Is Your Home the Culprit for Your Allergies?
Spring is finally here and for many homeowners in the Delaware Valley area, that means dealing with those dreaded allergies. But pollen isn’t the only cause of a stuffy nose, watery eyes or constant sneezing. Your home could also be to blame for triggering your allergy symptoms.
What Can Cause Allergies in Your Home?
There are plenty of issues that could easily lead to a home that’s chock-full of allergens:
- Clogged air filter – Once it’s packed with dust and debris, the resulting blockage can cause allergens to escape past the air filter and enter your HVAC system.
- Dirty ductwork – Dust and other airborne pollutants can travel throughout your home’s ductwork, spreading allergens everywhere.
- Presence of pets – Fibers from shedding pets can also exacerbate your allergy symptoms.
- Poor housekeeping – If you don’t dust or vacuum your carpets regularly, you could run the risk of allowing allergens to accumulate.
Any one of these issues can make your home a miserable place to be in if you’re a regular allergy sufferer.
How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Improving your home’s indoor air quality can go a long way towards tackling allergens and the allergy symptoms they produce. Here are a few ways you can reduce your symptoms to a minimum:
Change your air filter regularly. Changing it on a monthly basis can help improve your home’s indoor air quality and reduce allergies.
Make sure your home is well-ventilated. A steady stream of fresh outdoor air can flush out indoor pollutants and improve indoor air quality.
Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are highly effective at trapping dust, pollen, pet dander and a host of other airborne pollutants, especially during vacuuming.
Consider using a portable air filter. Your home can use the extra filtration, especially if your HVAC air filter isn’t cutting it.