Is Your Heating System Ready for an Upgrade?
No matter when it went into operation, your home’s heating system was built to last for a long time. Just think about how much use it gets for several months out of the year, and what it takes to keep everyone in your household nice and toasty on a regular basic. But, is it time for an upgrade? Here are a few signs that it might be time to switch it up a little:
Your Furnace is Older Than Your First-Born
As we said, heating systems are built to last. The average lifespan is often said to be around 10 years, but many last far beyond that, even pushing 20-30 years in some instances. That being said, in order to maximize its longevity, it takes regular maintenance and upkeep. If such servicing has been a little on the low side, then it may be time to consider an upgrade to a new system.
Your Energy Usage Has Been Steadily Increasing
As a homeowner, one of your biggest concerns is energy usage. Not only do we not want to see our bills skyrocket, our “carbon footprint” is an important subject that must be addressed. If you haven’t made any big changes to your household and your bills are increasing no matter how you try to cut back, then it may be time to put the system out to pasture.
Your HVAC Technician Says it’s Time
To keep your heating system running at its maximum efficiency, an annual scheduled maintenance is essential. An HVAC technician will be able to point out any problems the system may be having, and if he or she tells you it’s time to switch your furnace with a newer system, then it’s a good idea to heed that advice.
If you still can’t decide if your heating system is ready for an upgrade, or have other questions related to home comfort, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly professionals at Sobieski Services, Inc.