Tips for Saving on Your A/C Bills During the Pennsylvania Summer
As a responsible Pennsylvania homeowner, saving on your A/C bills is important for the pocketbook and principle. Another nice perk of saving cooling dollars is that you save substantial heating dollars come wintertime.
Easy Money
To start saving today, change up a few activities and habits to create a new routine for easy energy savings in your wallet.
- The stove and oven use a lot of energy and contribute heat gain to the home. Use cooking alternatives, such as the microwave, toaster oven and grilling.
- Keep the fridge full to reduce cooling time. Alternatively, you may place packing materials (e.g. packing peanuts, wrap or newspaper) in fridge drawers.
- Use the dishwasher. Your dishes will be cleaner and you use less water and energy.
- Replace incandescent bulbs with CFLs and LEDs, and save as much as 80 percent lighting electricity.
Smart Devices
If you are still using a digital or manual thermostat, consider installing a programmable thermostat, or a compatible smart (WiFi) thermostat for carefree and hands-free energy savings. Dimmer switches, motion detectors and timers are excellent lighting accessories and smart energy-saving devices. They also add a layer of security to your home.
Smart Efficiency
- Ask your HVAC contractor for a cost analysis when you are shopping for a new A/C or furnace. New HVAC systems offer substantial energy savings and better performance to models just 10 years old.
- Boost insulation in the attic. It is like blanket insurance against high cooling and heating bills.
- Before you insulate, however, seal up air leaks with caulk and weatherstripping. (Make sure you seal the attic hatch.)
- Choose Energy Star-rated HVAC systems and appliances when you are upgrading.
- One of the smartest tasks you can do for saving on your A/C bills, improved indoor air quality and system efficiency is regularly changing your air filter. Saving on your A/C bills is simple with the right strategy.
For more details about home efficiency, call us at Sobieski Services, Inc. Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
Photo Credit: JD Hancock via Compfight cc