Solar Shades to Reduce A/C Costs
They sit on the outside of windows and block a high percentage of the UV (ultraviolet) rays from entering. These shades are also available as mounted, pull-down screens on rollers, in lengths from six to 12 feet. Some are motorized and designed to be used as temporary patio covers.
Blocking the direct sunlight reduces temperatures indoors and prevents UV damage to household furnishings like flooring, furniture and artwork. The shades, or solar screens, are an affordable window treatment for less energy efficient windows, particularly single pane windows.
If you want to block the heat gain from a south- or west-facing exterior wall to keep a room cooler or shade a sunny patio, the pull-down or retractable solar shades will lower temperatures.
More Benefits
- Solar shades cost far less than replacing windows with Energy Star-rated windows.
- They’re easy to make from kits available online or from larger home improvement centers. Exterior sun shades are also readily available in a variety of widths, lengths and colors.
- The screens or shades are easy to store and take little space and are lightweight.
- The screens don’t block the view from the indoors, but it’s impossible to see through them from the outdoors during the day. They lose their blocking properties at night when an indoor light is on.
The Downsides
- Shade screens don’t stop conductive or convective heat from entering your home through the walls or windows.
- Shades placed on windows for the entire summer season should be thorough cleaned before storing them. The black shade cloth is especially difficult to restore to its original appearance without seasonal cleaning.
Solar shades take a burden off your cooling budget when placed on the windows or used as a privacy or sun screens.
Our goal at Sobieski Services is to help our customers in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware learn more about energy efficiency, savings and home comfort to live in healthier and more comfortable homes.
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