Several Simple Things to Do to Save Money This Fall
As summer turns to fall, many folks in Delaware and the tri-state area begin to dread the upcoming heating season. Gone will be the days of lounging by the ocean and arriving will be the days of large heating bills. The good news is there are simple things to do to save money while still keeping your home comfortable this winter. Most of these simple things to do to save money will cost you little or no money and even those that do require an outlay of cash will pay for themselves by significantly lowering your heating bill.
Have a programmable thermostat installed
This is particularly helpful in homes that sit empty for the majority of the day. Simply program it for a lower temperature when the house is empty or everyone is in bed for the night.
Prevent drafts
Most drafts come through the door frames, windows or flues. To prevent drafts, use weather stripping or a door sweep, cover your windows with plastic to create an insulating layer of air between the outside and your home and keep flues closed when not using the fireplace or wood stove.
Install insulated drapes
Drapes will help to prevent cold air from entering your home. For even more savings, open them during the day to allow the sun to warm your rooms and close them before sundown.
Keep air vents flowing freely
Furniture or debris placed too close to your air vents will prevent the warmed air from entering the room.
Install ceiling fans
Make sure that the fans you choose are reversible, that way they can keep the warm air down during the cooler months and draw it away from you in the warmer months.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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