Setting Your Programmable Thermostat To Reap The Most Benefits
If programmable thermostats are installed correctly and set right, they can be true energy-saving devices. If used improperly, however, the relatively new technology of programmable thermostats can actually consume more energy.
Here are some energy-saving tips for using programmable thermostats:
- Choose the set points for the thermostat and leave them there. While you’re at home during the winter, program your thermostat for a maximum temperature of 68 degrees F. While you and your family are asleep, choose a lower but comfortable temperature setting to save even more energy. Do the same when you’re at work. During the summer, maximum temperature settings should be set at 78 degrees F.
- There’s no need to heat or cool your home more than necessary while you’re away or on vacation, so when you know you’ll be away from home, program your thermostat accordingly.
- Programmable thermostats call for common-sense usage. Always heat and cool your home at energy-saving temperature settings. A homeowner who is motivated to save energy will save energy. While programmable thermostats are available off the shelf, they are most effective if the home is separated into zones that can be monitored independently. This may call for professional installation by experts in the field.
For more information about programmable thermostats or any other heating, cooling or plumbing concerns, please contact us at Sobieski Services.
Image Credit: Hidden Peanuts