Proactive Maintenance: Tips to Prevent Commercial Plumbing Issues
A commercial plumbing system can take a considerable beating, day in and day out. To keep your business open and functional, it’s extremely important that you take these steps to prevent commercial plumbing issues. The following is a brief overview of some of the most common plumbing problems found in commercial settings and what you can do to prevent them.
Common Commercial Plumbing Problems
Leaks from pipes, faucets and fixtures: Sooner or later, almost every plumbing system is going to develop a leak in the pipes, faucets, or fixtures. Faucet leaks are commonly caused by worn-out rubber gaskets or o-rings. Areas where pipes make a connection with other equipment can develop leaks if the connectors come loose or if the sealant within the connector degrades.
Cracks or damage in pipes and fixtures can also be a source of leaks. Fixtures, such as shower heads, can develop leaks after years of wear and tear. Remember that even a small leak of a few drops per minute can drive up your water bills significantly over the course of a year, while larger leaks can cause severe water damage to your commercial building.
Silent Leaks: So-called “silent leaks” are water leaks that are difficult or impossible to notice. Toilets are common sources of these leaks, as are underground pipelines. These types of leaks can waste large amounts of water and energy, particularly if the leak involves your hot water system.
Clogged toilets and blocked drains: Toilets are designed to remove solid human waste and common toilet paper. Any other material sent down the toilet can cause a clog, creating an unpleasant backup or overflow in your bathroom. Blocked drains can also be a source of messy overflow. Multiple types of material, including leaves, grease, paper, food waste and similar solids can clog drains. Drain pipes can sometimes be infiltrated by tree roots that damage drain pipes, causing leaks or creating a clog that’s difficult to remove.
How to Prevent Commercial Plumbing Issues
Prevention is the best solution for commercial plumbing problems. If these issues aren’t allowed to develop, they won’t be able to trouble you, your customers, or your employees. You can help prevent plumbing problems by considering these following tips:
Choose and consistently deal with a reliable professional plumber: If your company has a reliable plumbing professional who takes care of the plumbing work at your commercial site, do everything possible to maintain a strong relationship. A plumber who’s already familiar with your commercial building’s plumbing system can be extremely helpful when it’s time to repair, replace, or upgrade your system. If you don’t have a regular plumber, find a professional and establish a professional association. Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Make sure you check a plumber’s licensing and credentials before making a hire.
Have preventive maintenance performed regularly: The best way to prevent commercial plumbing issues is through regular plumbing system inspections and preventive maintenance check-ups. Rely on your trusted plumbing professional to conduct regular preventive maintenance and checks to keep your water and drain systems clear and working properly.
Fix problems as soon as possible: If your plumbing system develops a clog or leak, have the problem fixed as soon as possible. Watch for telltale signs of impending trouble, such as slow drains, toilets that need to be plunged frequently and signs of water leaks or water damage. Call your plumber promptly when any of these problems occur.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about Plumbing, HVACR, Fire Protection, and Alarm Systems in Mechanical, Commercial, and Residential settings. For more information on how to prevent commercial plumbing issues, and to view projects we’ve worked on, visit our website!