Lower Your Water Bill with Water-Efficient Plumbing Fixtures
When you can find a way to save both natural resources and money, you’ve found a winning combination. That sort of moral and financial victory is easily accomplished when you undertake a plan to save water in your Mid-Atlantic region home. And there’s plenty of help achieving water efficient plumbing, with a whole federal program, WaterSense, devoted to saving water in residences and businesses. Following are some WaterSense-endorsed ways of reducing your water use.
Toilets. In most homes, toilets are the biggest water user (and waster). Look for WaterSense-certified, low-flow toilets, which perform an average of 20 percent better than the industry standard of 1.6 gallons per flush. Technology in recent years has come up with low-flow toilets that not only use less water but are extremely effective in removing waste with just one flush. (If it requires two flushes to evacuate everything from the toilet bowl, you’re not really saving water). New dual-flush toilets allow you to just use 0.8 gallons per flush for eliminating liquid waste, while using more for solid waste.
Shower heads. You can significantly reduce water use by changing your shower habits and/or by installing low-flow, WaterSense-certified shower heads. These shower heads deliver less than two gallons per minute, while standard shower heads spray 2.5 gallons or more. They also don’t detract from the shower experience; in most cases you don’t even know your shower head is “low flow.”
Bathroom sink faucets. Modern faucets can’t exceed a minimum standard of 2.2 gallons per minute. This is a big departure from the status quo back in the early 1990s, when faucets delivered water at three to seven gallons per minute. And as is the case with shower heads, the spray doesn’t lose its power just because there’s less water coming out.
For more information on water efficient plumbing, contact us at Sobieski Services, Inc.
Our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland and Pennsylvania learn more about energy and home-comfort issues, especially as they pertain to HVAC and plumbing, so they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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