Facing an HVAC System Replacement? Look at It From These 4 Angles – Sobieski Services | DE, NJ, PA, MD

Facing an HVAC System Replacement? Look at It From These 4 Angles

Whether you think it’s about time for an HVAC system replacement, or a major breakdown has forced your hand, it’s a major decision that needs to be thought out carefully. While there are nuances to every situation, there are four main parts of a system replacement that you need to consider.

The Best Time

Deciding between trying to survive another season with your current HVAC system and putting in a new system is tricky. The practical lifespan of a system that has been well-maintained and not overworked is about 15 years. Once you start getting near that mark, it’s time to start getting a replacement ready. If you haven’t maintained it well or have run it excessively, you might start seeing low efficiency and poor performance even before the 10 year mark.

The Scope of Replacement

Some problems can be isolated to one or two main components that are damaged or deteriorating. Unless your system is still almost new, you should try to replace the whole system. The reason for this is that even a single mismatched component can tank the performance of the system as a whole, and can lead to many future issues.

Sizing Your System

The years of guessing what size of HVAC system your home needs and using rules of thumb are gone. Before you look at or buy any system, have a professional contractor complete load calculations for your home. These will prevent you from buying an inefficient oversized system or an unpowered one.

Picking the Type of System

Split systems are the most popular in most places, but far from the only option. Depending on your home there are other systems that may be more cost-effective. Speak with a trusted contractor about your different options and see which makes the most sense for your home.

At Sobieski Services, Inc, our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.

Photo Credit: Moe_ via Compfight cc

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