Ductless Systems are Perfect for Home Additions
Ductless systems are really a wonder. Before they became widely available in this country, the options for cooling and heating home additions were limited to some not particularly attractive options, such as extending ductwork, installing window A/C units or using space heaters. Now ductless systems offer a self-contained option for heating and cooling that is not only economical to operate but significantly easier to install than other conditioning systems.
Ductless mini splits work well for conditioning add-ons, upstairs rooms and even garage spaces.
How Ductless Models Work
Ductless systems, also called ductless mini-splits, work similarly to a heat pump but without ductwork. The systems are most often used for air conditioning, but some systems offer heating and cooling.
The compressor and condenser are located outside. Thin copper tubing pumps refrigerant to a blower, located inside the house. The refrigerant absorbs heat outdoors to heat the home, and absorbs heat indoors to exhaust outside so that the home is cooled. The blower, or air handler, distributes the conditioned air.
The systems are efficient because without ductwork, less conditioned air is wasted.
Installing Ductless Systems
Adding a ductless system is much easier than extending ductwork. The compressor is compact and can be installed at a distance of up to 50 feet away from the home so you can avoid the noise. You can also select a unit with an air handler that provides the mounting option of your choice: floor, ceiling or wall. What’s more, the air handlers are compact and unobtrusive, taking up only a small amount of space.
The two parts of the mini split are connected by a conduit line that holds the refrigerant and condensate discharge lines, the power cable and suction tubing. The installer must make a small (3 inches or so) hole through an exterior wall to accommodate the conduit.
At Sobieski Services, our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues — especially HVAC and plumbing issues — so that that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
Photo Credit: billyaircon via Compfight cc