Does Your A/C Use R-22? Learn About Upgrades
Many homeowners still have air conditioning systems that use R-22 as a refrigerant. If this is the case in your home, you can upgrade your system now to save yourself from scrambling later to comply with new refrigerant requirements.
What is R-22?
R-22 has been used as the primary heating and cooling refrigerant for years. However, this refrigerant is an HCFC- a substance which is known to damage the ozone. Some of this damage is caused by R-22 leaks in air conditioning systems, and other damage is a result of the manufacturing process of R-22. In an effort to minimize further damage, the government has a plan to stop manufacturing R-22. There are new consumption limits for HCFCs, and by the year 2020, manufacturing R-22 will be completely banned.
Does Your A/C use R-22?
If your A/C uses R-22, you may want to consider replacing your system with a new air conditioner. There are other accepted refrigerants that can be used, but most require the installation of a new system. R-410A, though it contains HFCs, is accepted and is now a common choice for refrigerant. It can be installed through a new outdoor unit, but the indoor unit should also be replaced to make it more efficient. An alternate upgrade is a dry-charged heat pump or air conditioner. This can save you from needing to replace the indoor unit, while updating your outside unit. This type of unit works even if your indoor unit uses R-22. Any type of installation should be done by a qualified HVAC professional.
If you are concerned about your home A/C R-22 use, contact us at Sobieski Services. Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
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