Daily Tips For Reduced Water Use
Your water consumption may be trickling unnecessary money out of your wallet on a daily basis. You can conserve water in many small ways that can collectively add up to large savings. Your water conservation efforts also benefit the environment for a win-win situation.
Check each source of water usage in your home and garden, and use these tips for reduced water use: Kitchen Scrape dishes instead of rinsing them before you load the dishwasher, and run the dishwasher only when it’s full. Install a restricted-flow aerator on your kitchen faucet so you use less water when rinsing vegetables or washing your hands.
Toilets are the primary water users in your home, and leaky toilets are the biggest source of indoor water waste. Repair leaks immediately and consider installing high-efficiency toilets, which use significantly less water per flush. This can result in a savings of up to 25,000 gallons of water per year for a family of four. Take shorter showers and install a low-flow shower head for reduced water use.
Laundry room
Washing machines are the second-highest source of home water usage. The federal Energy Star program rates washer performance and awards high-efficiency models the star logo. Upgrade your washing machine to a more-efficient model for reduced water use each time you wash.
Plumbing leaks from faucets, toilets, washing machine hoses and sprinkler systems waste water, cause mold growth and compromise your home’s structure. Have your contractor run a leak-detection diagnostic in your home and garden to find sources of water waste, and repair all leaks.
Irrigation systems
Adjust your sprinkler system to water your plants during the cooler morning hours, so less water is lost to evaporation. Use moisture sensors and a rain shutoff device so you don’t overwater your lawn and garden. Sobieski Services can help you find strategies for reduced water use.
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