Common Central Heating Problems to Watch Out For
Central heating problems always seem to occur at the worst time. That may be due to frigid temperatures outside and your demand for continuous heat inside. If your furnace system is acting up, check out these common problems and the solutions to see if it’s a quick fix or something that requires a professional’s touch.
Inadequate or Uneven Heating
When you turn on the heat, you want your money’s worth. If your heating is inadequate or uneven from room to room, check the following.
- Filter — A clogged furnace filter substantially restricts airflow through the return ducts and, therefore, through your home. It also increases your energy bills. Check your filter often during peak usage.
- Ducts — Unbalanced or leaky ductwork will definitely cause inadequate and uneven heating. If you see loose or fallen ducts, wrap them with approved metal tape.
- Heating load — If airflow and your filter are fine, inadequate heating means that your furnace simply isn’t keeping up with the heating demand. Overdue professional maintenance may be the reason. Additionally, if you have recently added living space, such as a room addition or retrofitted your attic, the heating load is too much for your furnace. It’s time for a furnace upgrade or lighten the heating load with insulation and air sealing.
- Pilot — Most furnaces use spark or hot-surface ignition, which need to be replaced about every three to five years.
No Power
If your furnace simply won’t turn on, check the circuit breaker. Next, check the sidewall venting outside for ice and snow, debris, or other obstructions that will automatically trigger a shutdown. Sagging pipes clogged with condensate also trigger a safety shutdown. Call your technician.
Strange Noises
If your source of central heating problems are strange noises, such as grinding, squealing or rumbling, turn off your system and call your HVAC technician right away.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues — especially HVAC and plumbing issues — so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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