Common Air Conditioner Problems and How to Repair Them
It is unfortunate, but air conditioners can fail at any time, and often with little to no warning. And too often it seems to happen during the hottest days of the year! To help you stay cool in your Delaware-area home, here’s our list of the most common air conditioner problems, how to troubleshoot them, and how to repair them.
Refrigerant leaks.
Check your AC’s refrigerant levels. Too low, it was likely undercharged during installation or has a leaking problem. If leaking is a problem, then putting more refrigerant in is not a viable solution. Contact your local technician to locate any leaks, test the repair, and charge the system with the correct refrigerant amount as specified by the manufacturer.
Inadequate maintenance
Check to be sure your filters and coils are clean, replacing the filters as necessary. When these components become excessively clogged they can cause failure of the unit’s compressor or fans, leading to expensive replacements. Electronic control and sensors failure. These are often the first components to wear out and need replacing, especially if your system is oversized for your home. A professional technician should be called to check the electrical connections and contacts in order to ensure that there isn’t a problem with wire and terminal corrosion that can lead to bigger issues.
Drainage problems
Excessively humid outside temperatures can cause the air conditioner’s condensate drain to become clogged, restricting its ability to properly drain. Check to be sure your unit’s drain is clear of debris and that any room units that you have are level and properly mounted. The top causes of common air conditioner problems is improper operation and improper installation. Make sure that you keep windows and doors closed whenever your air conditioning unit is on to prevent it from overworking. Also, hire a qualified technician to install and service any HVAC equipment you have.
To learn more about the most common air conditioner problems, contact Sobieski Services. Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
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