Choosing An Air Purification System? Look For These 4 Factors
Whether it’s in the heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter, you spend much of your time closed off from fresh Delaware air. The cooling and heating equipment in your home is constantly circulating particles and contaminants, many of which are filtered out through your filtration system. Others escape your filter. An air purification system can capture much of what escapes. Choosing the best air purification may be difficult. There are claims and counterclaims as to what they do well.
Choosing an air purification system
Getting the best system for your home can mean you have to filter through some information yourself. As a guide, here are four things you should look for when evaluating these air purifiers:
1. Permanent contaminant removal — Many electronic purifiers use ionization to trap particles on a metallic surface. This holds them but only while the machine operates. Once off, the particles can loosen and go back into the air. Get a system that permanently traps particles in a HEPA or other filter.
2. Ultra-small particle filtration — Most particles in a home are smaller than .1 micron. Find an air purification system that catches the tiniest of particles down to .003 microns. By catching and filtering these tiny pollutants, your air will be much cleaner. Make sure your unit is rated at 99.5 percent efficient.
3. Gas/chemical filtration — Most air purifiers don’t have a system to remove odors and gas from household chemicals. Find a purification system that has the ability to remove gas and chemical particles from your indoor air for superior indoor air quality.
4. Long-term efficiency — Many air purification systems are only tested for less than an hour of use. Of these systems, most have their efficiency reduced by as much as half over the period of only a few weeks. Look for air purification systems that have been tested and proven not to have deteriorating efficiency over the long-term.
Get the facts before choosing an air purification system. Contact our professionals at Sobieski Services. We’re always happy to give you straight answers that help you breathe easier and keep your family healthier.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Wilmington, Delaware and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
Image Credit: kennymatic