Answers to Homeowners’ FAQs About HVAC Systems
Your home’s HVAC system is one of its most complex appliances and its largest energy consumer. The most common questions surround getting the most energy-efficient performance from it, as well as prolonging its lifetime.
Improving its Efficiency
A well-insulated and tight home requires less conditioning, and over the short and long term, it makes sense to seal the air leaks and improve insulation to lower energy bills. Changing the air filter also promotes efficiency, since a clean filter improves airflow and keeps the parts cleaner. Ductwork should be insulated to cut thermal losses as conditioned air travels through.
Air Filter Quality Matters
Filter quality makes a difference in system performance. Before you upgrade, be sure to learn the right kind to use. Consult the owner’s manual or ask a trusted HVAC contractor for the best filter for your HVAC system.
Making it Last Longer
A clean and maintained system will last longer than one that’s been neglected. All manufacturers recommend that the systems are professionally serviced at least once a year. A professional HVAC contractor will thoroughly clean and adjust all the components, along with solving issues that could result in system failure if ignored.
The Contractor Makes a Difference
Within the field of contractors available in your area, look for one who has earned NATE (North American Technician Excellence) certification. This nonprofit organization only certifies technicians and contractors who have achieved the highest levels of knowledge and performance in the industry.
Is Bigger Better?
Bigger HVAC systems are definitely not better. Too large a system increases energy costs, reduces comfort, and breaks down faster than a properly sized system. When replacing your system, choose a contractor who will conduct a load calculation using Manual J software.
Knowing how your HVAC system works and getting the most from it cuts energy consumption and increases its longevity.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues — especially HVAC and plumbing issues — so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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