Air Leaks are Trouble: Learn How to Seal Them
If you have an older home, it is especially likely that you have issues with air leaks. When your home has leaks, it undermines the work that your HVAC system does and results in problems that will cost you in many ways. Luckily, once you know how to find air leaks and drafts, they are relatively easy to fix.
Checking for Leaks
It would be impractical to check every square inch of your home for leaks, but you can check the most common locations without too much of an issue. You can feel for leaks with your hands, use a light cloth or even light an incense stick and see if smoke wavers. Start with the frames of doors and windows. Then move on to other common leak locations like fireplaces, exterior wall penetrations and chimneys. Mark any locations of leaks you find to come back to and fix. Drafts are typically more obvious when you find them. The two major areas of concern are the attic and garage if you have one. Feel around the floor of the attic and the wall where your garage connects with your home for obvious drafts.
Fixing Your Leaks and Drafts
The most versatile leak sealers are weatherstripping and caulking, both of which are relatively inexpensive. If a leak is located on a stationary component, like around a door or window frame, use caulking. However, if a leak is on a moving component like a door or a window that you open, use weatherstripping. Having proper attic and garage insulation is very important for energy conservation in your home, especially during extreme weather. This is typically not a do-it-yourself job, although if you have experience you can attempt to do the insulation. When you call in a professional they will most likely use fiberglass or cellulose where appropriate and test the performance afterwards.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems). Call Sobieski Services today for any home HVAC help you need.
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