A/C Maintenance -- Perform It Now So Your System Works Smoothly in the Coming Months – Sobieski Services | DE, NJ, PA, MD

A/C Maintenance — Perform It Now So Your System Works Smoothly in the Coming Months

Regular A/C maintenance is vital for keeping your system running efficiently and performing optimally. Completing some basic maintenance jobs yourself goes a long way towards protecting your system. For other necessary maintenance, call a technician for an annual inspection.

Maintenance jobs for you include:

  • Replacing the filter as needed — A dirty air filter can increase your A/C’s energy use by up to 15 percent. It also increases wear on the motor. Every month, check your filter by holding it up to the light. If no light shines through, put in a clean filter.
  • Cleaning the outdoor unit — Clear away leaves, weeds and other debris from the outdoor unit. To clean the condenser coil inside, use a garden hose to direct a gentle spray of water through the fins. Straighten the fins with a specially designed fin comb.
  • Cleaning the indoor coil — A dirty indoor evaporator coil is less efficient because it doesn’t absorb heat well. Check your evaporator coil yearly and, when necessary, clean it with a stiff brush or compressed air.
  • Cleaning the condensate drain — To prevent condensate drain clogs and resulting moisture buildup, occasionally insert a wire such as a coat hanger into the drain to clean it.

Maintenance jobs for your technician include:

  • Adjusting the refrigerant levels — An A/C can reach top efficiency only with the correct amount of refrigerant. Your technician can check the refrigerant levels, adjust them as needed, and test for leaks.
  • Checking airflow — To ensure efficient airflow through your system, your technician will test your ducts for air leaks and ensure sufficient airflow through the indoor coil.
  • Inspecting the electrical components — Your technician can correct problems with the electrical system, such as loose connections. The technician can also check the thermostat for accurate calibration.
  • Maintaining the motor — During routine A/C maintenance, your system’s motor will be lubricated and the fan belt tightened or replaced.
  • For tips on performing A/C maintenance or to schedule a routine inspection, contact us at Sobieski Services. Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC and plumbing systems).

    Image Credit: gnackgnackgnack

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