7 Plumbing Maintenance Tips for Your West Chester Home
Problems with the plumbing in your West Chester home can lead to expensive repair costs if you’re not careful. This is why we’ve compiled our seven favorite plumbing maintenance tips you can start using today:
1. Be aware of leaks A small leak in a sink or toilet might not seem like a big deal, but it can indicate a larger problem. You should inspect leaks and fix them as soon as possible.
2. Respond right away When you’re aware of a plumbing problem, you should fix the issue before something catastrophic occurs.
3. Dispose of grease properly Many homeowners have a tendency to pour grease down kitchen drains, while washing dishes. Unfortunately, grease doesn’t flow down drains very well and can harden, causing blockage. Avoid this by cooling the grease in an empty container, and then throwing it in the trash.
4. Drain your water heater Sediment that collects at the bottom of your water heater can hinder your system’s performance. This buildup should be drained every few months.
5. Use plumbing drain screens Emergency plumbing issues often occur when items accidentally slip down your drain. This can easily be avoided by installing inexpensive screens to help catch items that might inadvertently fall into the drain.
6. Learn how to use a plunger Professional plumbers are often called for jobs that require nothing more than a plunger. One thing to remember is that your toilet requires a different type of plunger than your kitchen. Use the right plunger for the right job and you can’t go wrong.
7. Be mindful of your garbage disposal Leftover food, such as bones and eggshells, can ruin your disposal and clog up your drain. Avoid tossing anything hard or stringy into your garbage disposal.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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