7 Cost-Effective Ways You and Your Family Can Save Energy
Are you looking for ways you and your family can save energy at home? It’s easy and cost-effective to implement the following seven tips.
1. Install and use a programmable thermostat correctly
By using energy-saving setbacks while you’re away or sleeping, you can save energy on heating and cooling all year round. The programmable feature prevents you from sacrificing comfort since it automatically resumes a comfortable temperature before you wake up or return home.
2. Take advantage of the sunlight
In the winter, throw the curtains wide open to let sunlight heat your home naturally and reduce the need to pay for artificial lighting. At night, close them to add another layer of insulation to retain heat. In the summer, use light-colored shades or blinds to reflect the heat away so your home stays cooler.
3. Install energy-efficiency bulbs
Compact fluorescent bulbs have improved to give off a warm glow similar to incandescent lights, yet they last six times longer and save energy by consuming 75 percent less electricity.
4. Plug electronics into a power strip
That way, you can easy turn all your devices off at once and prevent “energy vampires” from leeching energy and raising your electric bills. Also remember to unplug chargers when not in use since they draw energy even when no device is attached to them.
5. Save on water-heating bills
Reduce the water heater temperature from the standard 140 degrees F to 120 degrees to save energy. Insulate it to reduce standby heat loss, and install low-flow faucets and showerheads.
6. Make preventative maintenance a priority
Schedule a visit from a qualified contractor to tune up your heating equipment in the fall and your cooling equipment in the spring.
7. Choose Energy Star certified appliances
The next time you need to replace HVAC equipment or other home appliances, look for the Energy Star label to guide your decision. The Energy Star distinction sets high-efficiency appliances apart from the rest. Try out these tips tip save energy today!
For more information, please contact Sobieski Services, Inc. Our goal is to help educate our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
Image Credit: melanie_hughes