5 Top Winterization Tips for Your Home
With cold weather just around the corner, now is the time to take action. Prepare your home for winter and save some money while you’re at it.
Here are 5 top winterization tips for your home.
1. Draft dodging. Cold air is rushing in under a door while warm air rushes out. Create a draft snake by rolling up fabric and placing it at the bottom of the door – a towel will work or you can DIY one to coordinate with the room.
2. Change furnace filter. It’s easy to forget about your furnace filter, but you should replace or clean them monthly during heating season. You should also have your heating system inspected by a professional.
3. Change your fan direction. This simple change can reduce your energy costs because when your fan rotates clockwise, the warmer air by the ceiling is circulated into the room.
4. Winterize your water and A/C lines. Drain hoses and make sure you don’t have pooled water that can freeze. You can also remove A/C window units to prevent drafts. Another option is having maintenance service provided by a reputable company to ensure your systems are properly taken care of.
5. Turn your water heater down. Most homes have their water heater turned up hotter than they need at 140 degrees, but you’ll pay for that.
Save money by turning it down to just 120 degrees and you won’t find yourself paying for all that steam. If you’re tired of that water tank taking up room, you might want to check out a tankless water heater, which can be more efficient and environmentally conscious.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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