5 Money-Saving Ways To Button Up Your Heating System For Winter
Winter will be here before you know it, so you need to prepare for the cold weather that will be arriving. Here are five money-saving tips that will help you conserve energy and stay warm all winter long.
Schedule Preventive Maintenance
Hire a professionally licensed HVAC contractor to inspect your heating equipment to protect you from unexpected breakdowns. He will check all the components for signs of damage and, if necessary, replace them to prevent problems. He will also clean the unit and ensure it runs efficiently. This will help keep your heating costs down and guarantee that you will have heat when you need it most.
Upgrade Your Heating Equipment
If your furnace is more than 10 years old, you may cut your energy bills in half by upgrading to a newer model. They provide better comfort results while using just a fraction of the energy and will be less likely to break down.
Patch Up Your Ducts
Your heating equipment can only work as well as your ducts allow it to. If warm air escapes through cracks and leaks in your ducts, your home won’t reach its ideal temperature. Instead of cranking up your thermostat, causing your energy costs to rise and putting unnecessary strain on your HVAC system, seal your ducts.
Utilize Government Offers
Rebates, tax credits and other incentives offered by the government can help ease the cost of upgrading to a new energy-efficient system. The savings your new system generates will add up over time and eventually help offset the rest of the cost.
Change Your Filters
Regularly replacing your furnace filter will allow you to get the most from your heating equipment. If debris that it catches accumulates, it can form a thick mat that makes it difficult for air to pass through.
For more tips on how to easily make your home more energy efficient before the cold weather hits, or to schedule a maintenance call, contact Sobieski Services. We proudly serve Wilmington and the surrounding areas.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
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