What You Need to Know about Ductless Mini Splits
Finding a practical solution for heating and cooling a new addition, retrofitted basement or attic, or simply to augment your existing HVAC system can present many questions. You want to be sure you’re making the right installation decision to maximize comfort without breaking your energy budget. Ductless mini-split systems are designed specifically for these purposes and more. Here’s how.
Zoned Comfort and Efficiency
Ductless systems are ideally suited to provide efficient, zoned air conditioning for mid-Atlantic homeowners. They are available as cooling-specific units or as two-in-one heating and cooling heat pumps for year-round conditioning – providing ample zoned heating in frigid single digits and excellent cooling and dehumidification during sticky summer weather.
The primary components of ductless systems consist of a compact outdoor unit, low-profile indoor air-handling units (AHUs) and a thin conduit that houses condensate tubing, power supply and refrigerant lines. Following are benefits attributed to their sleek design and high-efficiency components:
- Zoning: The AHUs allow you to heat and cool specific zones in your home, which saves energy compared to the costs of air conditioning your entire home.
- Comfort: Select ductless mini splits offer multi-speed fans with oscillating motion for smooth zone conditioning. Sophisticated temperature sensors scan the zone top to bottom and adjust heating and cooling accordingly.
- Efficiency: Look for a ductless mini-split with inverter-driven technology, which is an electronically-controlled variable-speed compressor. You’ll enjoy a nice return on investment with better performance and lower energy bills.
Versatile Mounting Options
Another attribute that has made ductless systems so popular is their versatile installation and mounting options. The indoor AHU may be mounted to a wall or ceiling, recessed into the same or concealed inside wall, floor and ceiling cavities for an unobtrusive, aesthetically-pleasing appearance.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes. To learn more about a ductless mini split system, please contact us today!
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